Nuit debout
Från Krigsmaskinen
- CrimetInc: From the Loi Travail to the French Elections. A Retrospective on Social Upheaval in France, 2015-2017 (19 april, 2017)
- Doc du réel: Lessons from Nuit debout (14 december, 2016)
- Asja Crise: République Absurd - Récit of the spring 2016 french uprisning (~10 oktober, 2016)
- John Sheil: A Hot Day in Paris: Report from the Renewed Struggle Against Loi Travail (1 oktober, 2016)
- Activideo: Alors c’est qui les casseurs? (3 september, 2016)
- VANDALISME, ÉPIGRAPHIE - Les meilleurs graffitis du mouvement contre la Loi Travail (22 juli, 2016)
- Ross Domoney: General Strike: defying France’s state of emergency (15 juni, 2016)
- PRINTEMPS SANS SOLEIL (Tentative de bilan en cours de route) / Frühling ohne Sonnenschein (Versuch einer provisorischen Bilanz) (14 juni, 2016)
- Struggle(s) at Nuit Debout, Part 1: Paris (13 juni, 2016)
- Charles Reeve: After Being Up All Night, We Wake up with a Political Strike (11 juni, 2016)
- Strike at the refineries: reportback from Grandpuits (30 maj, 2016)
- La Serveuse: Waitressing (27 maj, 2016)
- La Serveuse: May 26th (Paris: Thursday, Manifestation) (27 maj, 2016)
- La Serveuse: May 18th-24th. (Paris: The affair of the burning police car) (25 maj, 2016)
- La Serveuse: May 9th-19th (Manifestations, Paris) (24 maj, 2016)
- R.S.: Outbreaks, inbreaks and exhaustion. Follow-up (24 maj, 2016)
- A response to Mr Hazan (9 maj, 2016)
- R.S.: From outbreaks to inbreaks ad nauseum (3 maj, 2016)
- Build the hacienda, burn down the palaces (25 april, 2016)
- And the party has just begun... (April 9th, Paris) (11 april, 2016)
- Christophe Gueugneau: The Mili take to the frontline to better struggle against the police (8 april, 2016)
- Sam Cossar-Gilbert: #NuitDebout: a movement is growing in France’s squares (6 april, 2016)
- To live, or nothing (4 april, 2016)